Round loaf / Country bread - large

  1. In microwaveable bowl, combine 1/2 cup oats with 1 cup water. Microwave 1 minute. Stir, then microwave 30 sec more. Cover bowl with small plate, let stand to cool. Alternatively, if you are having oatmeal for breakfast the day you are going to make the bread, make an extra 1/2 cup and save. Third option is to just stir the oats and water in step 4.
  2. Mix in large lidded bowl:
    • 3 cups all-purpose flour
    • 2 cups whole wheat flour
    • 1 Tbsp yeast
    • 1.5 tsp salt
  3. Fill 1 cup glass measuring cup with cold tap water. Add as much as needed to bring oatmeal temp down to 32 - 36 degrees C. Microwave any remaining water to same tepid temperature.
  4. Add watered oatmeal and any remaining water to flour mixture. Stir to produce a fairly stiff dough, then knead a little bit to bring bread together. Cover bowl and set aside overnight or for 8 hours. If leaving for more than 24 hours, put in fridge.

  5. If cooking on the BBQ, measure a piece of parchment paper to fit using fire bricks or pizza stone.
  6. 1 hour before you would like to eat/serve the bread:
    • Oven method: heat oven to 450 degrees F. If you will be cooking the bread in a Dutch oven, place in oven before turning it on.
    • BBQ: with fire bricks or pizza stone inside, heat BBQ to highest heatFor both cooking methods, sprinkle some flour on the risen bread, flour your hands and remove dough from bowl, using flour as required to prevent sticking. Shape loaf by tucking sides and ends under to form a smooth top. Place bread on parchment paper and leave for 30 minutes, second rise. If using BBQ, turn down to medium heat.

  7. After 30 minutes rising, score top of bread, and optionally brush with egg wash or spray with water (to produce a more crusty crust).
    • Oven: place on cookie sheet. If using a Dutch over, pick up bread with parchment paper, carefully place in (hot) pot, cover with lid and put in oven.
    • BBQ: using a cookie sheet or pizza paddle, transfer bread on parchment paper onto fire bricks/pizza stone. Turn off the burner that is directly under the fire bricks/stone.
  1. Bake to internal temperate of 88 - 96 degrees C. 
    • Oven: in my oven this takes 30 - 33 minutes. If using Dutch oven, can remove lid ~5 minutes before end of cooking time for a crustier top.
    • BBQ: in my BBQ, this take closer to 40 - 44 minutes.


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